Norsk Flytteforbund

- When quality and service counts!

Move request

Do you need help with moving? Now you can fill in one moving request and get offers from all 11 of our member companies.

Company relocation

When moving offices and industries, both experienced personnel and modern equipment are required. Norsk Flytteforbund has both.

We are Norway's largest and oldest network of reputable moving agencies. We take pride in carrying out all assignments according to the customer's wishes.


NFF is a association consisting of reputable companies that can cover your every need for moving, domestic and abroad.

Our goal is to have a clear communication, and to be a driving force to carry out any type of move assignment for the benefit of the environment and our customers. Our customers can always trust us to meet their every expectation and demand. We shall exercise responsibility to stand up for what we do, and shall assess the impact and risks for ourselves and others.

That NFF is an association that keeps our promises is granted.



Norsk Flytteforbund 
Langrabben 73, 6013 Ålesund
Phone: +47 81 00 11 11 
Organization number: 970 019 197 
